sábado, 15 de janeiro de 2011

WorldVenture Missionary-IPM Comissioning

Last October I was reconized as a missionary by WorldVenture,  it was very special to me because it confirms what God has placed in my heart throughout the years I've been working in Restoration Ministries. Seeing the church, my family, the pastors, the WorldVenture Americas Director -Jim Thorp-  and RM board praying over me was very special blessing.
Signing the contract on RM board meetings at Camp California
I count on your prayers on this new jorney, next step I will be visiting US to raise support. My prayer request is to improve my English, for my family and the support I need to raise.

I hope to see people who came serve with us down here, I am open to visits, and gather people who can partner with me in our ministry.

Thanks a lot,
Wellington Barros

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